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Npm command

Sort dependencies and devDependencies in order

Sort the dependencies in dependencies and devDependencies without installing packages.

Simply remove or uninstall the missing packages from the dependency list.

# npm: Node Package Manager
# r: abbreviation for remove, meaning to remove a package
# -S: abbreviation for --save, meaning to save the dependency in the project's package.json file
# example-package: the name of the package to be removed (any non-existent package name can be used)
npm r -S example-package

nvm install new version of Node and migrate all global dependencies of a specified Node version

# Install Node.js version v18.15.0 using nvm
# Reinstall all packages and use the dependency relationships of previously installed version v18.14.2
nvm install v18.15.0 --reinstall-packages-from=v18.14.2

Display all global dependencies

# npm ls: list all installed packages and their dependencies
# --global: view globally installed packages
# --depth 0: only display the first level packages as the depth parameter passed to this command is 0
npm ls --global --depth 0

Install nrm from source code

When installing nrm directly with npm i nrm -g, the current source used will not be recognized.

npm i Pana/nrm -g