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Developer guide


# Install dependencies
npm i

# Development
npm run start

# Build
npm run build

# Deployment
# If GitHub ssh is set up, you can use this command to automatically build and push it to the gh-pages branch of GitHub to trigger page updates
USE_SSH=true npm run deploy

Automated Deployment Configuration

Add the following two files in the root directory of the project's main branch:

# Configuration for triggering build automatically when main branch is pushed to GitHub

# Configuration for triggering build automatically when main branch is pulled

Detailed Description:

Install dependencies package

npm install --save @easyops-cn/docusaurus-search-local

Configure docusaurus.config.js

// In your `docusaurus.config.js`:
module.exports = {
// ... Your other configurations.
themes: [
// ... Your other themes.
// ... Your options.
// `hashed` is recommended as long-term-cache of index file is possible.
hashed: true,
// For Docs using Chinese, The `language` is recommended to set to:
// ```
language: ["en", "zh"],
// ```

Detailed Configuration Instructions:


Configure docusaurus.config.js

module.exports = {
i18n: {
defaultLocale: 'en',
locales: ['en', 'zh-CN'],

themeConfig: {
navbar: {
// Configure language switching component
items: [
type: 'localeDropdown',
position: 'right',

Develop and Debug Specified Language Site:

# Debug the Chinese site
npm run start -- --locale zh-CN


Translate Markdown Files:

Translate Documents

Copy the Markdown files from docs/ to i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current and translate them as follows:

mkdir -p i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current
cp -r docs/** i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current
Translate Blogs

Copy the Markdown files from docs/ to i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-blog and translate them as follows:

mkdir -p i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-blog
cp -r blog/** i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-blog
Translate Pages

Copy the document page files from docs/ to i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-pages and translate them as follows:

mkdir -p i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-pages
cp -r src/pages/**.md i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-pages
cp -r src/pages/**.mdx i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-pages
Translate Built-in Component Copy

The following command automatically translates the built-in component copy to the i18n/zh-CN directory:

npm run write-translations -- --locale zh-CN

Build Site

Single-Domain Deployment

The site is built using the same command as before internationalization was added.

npm run build

Docusaurus will build a single-page application for each language version:

  • website/build: Default language is English
  • website/build/zh-cn: Simplified Chinese language


If you encounter an error similar to the following, run npm run write-translations -- --locale zh-CN, modify the copy in i18n/zh-CN, and delete the One min read| prefix:

For locale=zh-CN, a maximum of 1 plural forms are expected (other), but the message contains 2: One min read|1 min read

Detailed Instructions:

Page Deployment


Directly use GitHub to deploy the page

Page URL: Project URL:


Use Gitee to deploy the page

Page URL: Project URL:
